I advocate for users while helping organizations achieve their goals with strategic thinking.


Hi, my name is Kelly and I'm a UX/UI designer in Vancouver, Canada.

As a lifelong learner, I've always dabbled in anything that interests me. After graduating with a degree in health sciences and communications, I began a career in marketing with the goal of working in health communications. While I am passionate about health, I wasn't fulfilled doing marketing as I felt too far removed from the end user. 

Craving for something different, I began freelancing doing graphic and website design. By chance, I stumbled upon UX/UI design and I knew that this would end up being my career. It had the ideal combination of art and science which was perfect for a creative yet analytical person like me.

I love that I can advocate for the end user and also use strategic thinking to help the organization achieve their goals. It's a win-win situation! 

Random things about me

My favourite poet is Shel Silverstein.

I can recite the entire act 1 prologue from Romeo and Juliet by heart. 

I was part of a flash mob dance during the Vancouver Paralympics opening ceremony in 2010.  

I've been an avid volunteer all my life! I love to lend my skills and experience to work on projects for meaningful organizations. 

I witnessed a live surgery in a hospital in Quito, Ecuador. 

My favourite poem is 'Trees' by Joyce Kilmer.

My passion and interests is in health and how I can help people increase accessibility to health. 

I spent three weeks in Ecuador and built 30 homes for 30 families in a town called Pallatanga.

© Kelly Choi 2023